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    Shri. Das Maharaj was born on the fifth day of Bright fortnight of 'Bhadrapada'(Shuddh Panchami/ Rishipanchami).
English year: 1856, Monday.
    He spent 35 years of his life in Penance (Tapasya).
He performed 2 Gayatri Puras Charanas (1 Charanas= 24 Lakhs of recitations).
    He also performed 2 Pilgrimages with Sastangh Dandvath, first to 'Pandharpur' and then to 'Tirupati'. He had many disciples.
His wife's name was Sou. Harna Bai. His wife also accompanied him on his yatras.
    He passed away on the 7th day of Dark fortnight of Ashadh.(English era-1939). This day is celeberated every year at the place of his samadhi (Mundewadi).
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